Losing motivation during the pandemic and how to get it backI already have issues losing motivation — as far as my interests, I can be pretty fickle and that means I have a lot of half-thought out…Mar 10, 2021Mar 10, 2021
Containerizing Applications Using DockerThe most consistent issue I experience, as a DevOps engineer, is how to containerize a new application using Docker…Mar 2, 20211Mar 2, 20211
From Unemployed Boot-camp Graduate to 4 Job Offers in 3 MonthsWhen I first decided to take General Assembly’s Software Engineering Immersive Course, I had a goal in mind.Dec 10, 2019Dec 10, 2019
Looking Back and Moving ForwardWe did it. We completed the Software Engineering Immersive Course…Dec 4, 2019Dec 4, 2019